Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Kinect crisis continues: Shoddy journalism to blame

So I get that The Guardian is not exactly the epitome of high-quality journalism. But just what the hell do you call this? http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/nov/08/kinect-system-launched-microsoft

If you answered "terrible journalism" or "an awful fluff story that fails to even mention the downsides and limitations of an overly hyped piece of hardware that in actuality is not revolutionary at all" then you are correct in either case.

If you answered "oh I want to buy that" then consider yourself one of the uneducated masses that Microsoft is pandering to with this "revolutionary" gaming system.

It is time for people to wake up and realize that there are no "as-yet unconceived of possibilities in the hardware." This is it. See yourself imaginary petting a digital animal? See yourself flailing your limbs around aimlessly trying to get the game to recognize a punch or block? See yourself running in the spot and jumping around like a hyperactive toddler? Welcome to Kinect. This is all there is. Get used to it.

1 comment:

  1. this blog should be renamed "jason sherriff has an inexplicable hardon for the kinect".
